Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Methoprene Spraying in Suffolk County

Suffolk County Vector Control sprays Methoprene, a chemical recognized as lethal to some marine life, on eastern long island marshlands in an effort to kill mosquito larvae.

Francesca Rheannon speaks with Kevin McAllister of the environmental watch dog group DefendH2O about efforts to end the spraying.

More information about pollutants in our bays and estuaries, the work of Defend H2O and a link to the petition to Suffolk County to end Methoprene spraying, can be found at

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this important interview. Educating our elected public leaders and residents is vital to the future of maintaining our waterways, aquifer, vegetation, marine and wildlife, fisheries, and we, the human beings who live here.
    Susan McGraw Keber Democratic candidate for East Hampton Trustee 2017
